The ancients called beauty the flowering of virtue. Who can analyze the nameless charm which glances from one and another face and form? We are touched with emotions of tenderness and complacency, but we cannot find whereat this dainty emotion, this wandering gleam, points. It is destroyed for the imagination by any attempt to refer it to organization. Nor does it point to any relations of friendship or love known and described in society, but, as it seems to me, to a quite other and unattainable sphere, to relations of transcendent delicacy and sweetness, to what roses and violets hint and fore-show. We cannot approach beauty. Its nature is like opaline doves'-neck lustres, hovering and evanescent. Herein it resembles the most excellent things, which all have this rainbow character, defying all attempts at appropriation and use. What else did Jean Paul Richter signify, when he said to music, "Away! away! thou speakest to me of things which in all my endless life I have not found, and shall not find." The same fluency may be observed in every work of the plastic arts. The statue is then beautiful when it begins to be incomprehensible, when it is passing out of criticism, and can no longer be defined by compass and measuring-wand, but demands an active imagination to go with it, and to say what it is in the act of doing. The god or hero of the sculptor is always represented in a transition from that which is representable to the senses, to that which is not. Then first it ceases to be a stone. The same remark holds of painting. And of poetry, the success is not attained when it lulls and satisfies, but when it astonishes and fires us with new endeavours after the unattainable. Concerning it, Landor inquires "whether it is not to be referred to some purer state of sensation and existence."


virtue : 선, 선행 / 미덕, 덕목

complacency : 현 상태에 만족함, 안주 

dainty : 앙증맞은 (=delicate) / 조심스러운, 얌전한 (=delicate) 

gleam : (흔히 어디에 반사된) 어슴푸레한, 흐릿한

transcendent : 초월하는, 초월적인, 탁월한 

delicacy : 여림, 연약함 

violet : 제비꽃, 바이올렛 

fore-show : 예고[예언]하다, 예시하다, …의 전조를 보이다 

opaline : 오팔 같은, 유백광을 내는 

lustre : 윤(기), 광택 (=sheen) / (특별함을 부여하는) 빛 (→lacklustre) 

evanescent : 쉬이 사라지는, 덧없는, 무상한 

incomprehensible : 이해할 수 없는 (↔comprehensible), (=unintelligible) 

wand : 지팡이

cease : 중단되다, 그치다, 중단시키다 (→cessation) 



In like manner, personal beauty is then first charming and itself, when it dissatisfies us with any end; when it becomes a story without an end; when it suggests gleams and visions, and not earthly satisfactions; when it makes the beholder feel his unworthiness; when he cannot feel his right to it, though he were Caesar; he cannot feel more right to it than to the firmament and the splendors of a sunset.


beholder : 보는 사람, 구경꾼(spectator)

firmament : [옛글투 또는 문예체] 창공, 하늘 

splendor : 훌륭함, 장려(壯麗), 화려함 / (명성 등의) 현저, 탁월, 영예, 영광 / 빛남, 광휘, 광채(brilliance) 



Hence arose the saying, "If I love you, what is that to you?" We say so, because we feel that what we love is not in your will, but above it. It is not you, but your radiance. It is that which you know not in yourself, and can never know.


radiance : (행복감·건강 등이 얼굴에 나타나는) 빛[광채] / (따스하고 밝은) 빛[광휘] 






※ 출처 : Essays, First Series (1841) 중 5장 LOVE by Ralph Waldo Emerson

※ 랄프 왈도 에머슨 (Ralph Waldo Emerson) : 미국 사상가 겸 시인. 자연과의 접촉에서 고독과 희열을 발견하고 자연의 효용으로서 실리(實利)·미(美)·언어(言語)·훈련(訓練)의 4종을 제시했다. 정신을 물질보다도 중시하고 직관에 의하여 진리를 알고, 자아의 소리와 진리를 깨달으며, 논리적인 모순을 관대히 보는 신비적 이상주의였다. 주요 저서에는《자연론》,《대표적 위인론》등이 있다.

'에세이' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3/10  (0) 2020.01.30
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 2/10  (0) 2020.01.25
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1/10  (0) 2020.01.24

THERE is grey in your hair.
Young men no longer suddenly catch their breath
When you are passing;
But maybe some old gaffer mutters a blessing
Because it was your prayer
Recovered him upon the bed of death.
For your sole sake - that all heart's ache have known,
And given to others all heart's ache,
From meagre girlhood's putting on
Burdensome beauty - for your sole sake
Heaven has put away the stroke of her doom,
So great her portion in that peace you make
By merely walking in a room.
Your beauty can but leave among us
Vague memories, nothing but memories.
A young man when the old men are done talking
Will say to an old man, "Tell me of that lady
The poet stubborn with his passion sang us
When age might well have chilled his blood.'
Vague memories, nothing but memories,
But in the grave all, all, shall be renewed.
The certainty that I shall see that lady
Leaning or standing or walking
In the first loveliness of womanhood,
And with the fervour of my youthful eyes,
Has set me muttering like a fool.
You are more beautiful than any one,
And yet your body had a flaw:
Your small hands were not beautiful,
And I am afraid that you will run
And paddle to the wrist
In that mysterious, always brimming lake
Where those What have obeyed the holy law
paddle and are perfect. Leave unchanged
The hands that I have kissed,
For old sake's sake.
The last stroke of midnight dies.
All day in the one chair
From dream to dream and rhyme to rhyme I have
In rambling talk with an image of air:
Vague memories, nothing but memories.


gaffer : (공장 노동자·운동 팀 등의) 감독 / (영화·텔레비전의) 조명 담당자 

mutter : 중얼거림

meagre : (양·질이) 빈약한[변변찮은] (=paltry) 

fervour (fervor) : 열정 (=enthusiasm) 

paddle : (작은 보트, 특히 카누용의 짧은) 노 

brimming : 넘쳐흐르는, 가득 차게 부은 

rhyme : 운(음조가 비슷한 글자) / (두 단어나 음절이) 운이 맞다[각운을 이루다] 

rambling : (특별한 패턴이 없이) 되는 대로 퍼져 나가는 (=sprawling) / 횡설수설하는, 장황하고 두서없는 (=incoherent) 






윌리엄 버틀러 예이츠 (William Butler Yeats, 1865년 6월 13일, 아일랜드 - 1939년 1월 28일): 아일랜드 시인 겸 극작가. 환상적이며 시적인《캐서린 백작부인》을 비롯하여 몇 편의 뛰어난 극작품을 발표했으며 1923년에는 노벨문학상을 수상하였다. 독자적 신화로써 자연(자아)의 세계와 자연 부정(예술)의 세계의 상극을 극복하려 노력했다.  


"Thou art not gone being gone, where'er thou art,

Thou leav'st in him thy watchful eyes, in him thy loving heart." [John Donne]



In the noon and the afternoon of life we still throb at the recollection of days when happiness was not happy enough, but must be drugged with the relish of pain and fear; for he touched the secret of the matter, who said of love,--


throb : 욱신거리다, 지끈거리다 

recollection : 기억

drugged with : ~에 취한, ~에 중독된

relish : (큰) 즐거움[기쁨] 



"All other pleasures are not worth its pains";


and when the day was not long enough, but the night, too, must be consumed in keen recollections; when the head boiled all night on the pillow with the generous deed it resolved on; when the moonlight was a pleasing fever, and the stars were letters, and the flowers ciphers, and the air was coined into song; when all business seemed an impertinence, and all the men and women running to and fro in the streets, mere pictures.


keen : 날카로운, 예리한

resolve on : …를 하겠다고 결정[결심]하다. 

cipher : 암호

impertinence : 건방짐, 뻔뻔함, 주제넘게 굴기, 무례, 버릇없음



The passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant. Nature grows conscious. Every bird on the boughs of the tree sings now to his heart and soul. The notes are almost articulate. The clouds have faces as he looks on them. The trees of the forest, the waving grass, and the peeping flowers have grown intelligent; and he almost fears to trust them with the secret which they seem to invite. Yet nature soothes and sympathizes. In the green solitude he finds a dearer home than with men.


bough : 가지

articulate : (생각느낌을) 잘[분명히] 표현하는 

peeping : 기웃기웃



"Fountain-heads and pathless groves,

Places which pale passion loves,

Moonlight walks, when all the fowls

Are safely housed, save bats and owls,

A midnight bell, a passing groan,--

These are the sounds we feed upon." [Fletcher]


fowl : 가금, 새

groan : 신음



Behold there in the wood the fine madman! He is a palace of sweet sounds and sights; he dilates; he is twice a man; he walks with arms akimbo; he soliloquizes; he accosts the grass and the trees; he feels the blood of the violet, the clover, and the lily in his veins; and he talks with the brook that wets his foot.


dilate : 확장[팽창]하다[시키다], 키우다[커지다] (↔contract) 

akimbo : 손을 허리에 대고 팔꿈치를 양 옆으로 펴고 

soliloquize : 혼잣말을 하다, [연극] 독백하다 

accost : (특히 위협적으로) 다가가 말을 걸다 



The heats that have opened his perceptions of natural beauty have made him love music and verse. It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion, who cannot write well under any other circumstances.


perception : 지각, 자각 / 통찰력

inspiration : 영감



The like force has the passion over all his nature. It expands the sentiment; it makes the clown gentle, and gives the coward heart. Into the most pitiful and abject it will infuse a heart and courage to defy the world, so only it have the countenance of the beloved object. In giving him to another, it still more gives him to himself. He is a new man, with new perceptions, new and keener purposes, and a religious solemnity of character and aims. He does not longer appertain to his family and society; _he_ is somewhat; he is a person; he is a soul.


sentiment : 정서, 감정

pitiful : 측은한, 가련한 (=pathetic) 

infuse : (특정한 특성을) 불어넣다[스미게 하다] 

defy : (권위·법률·규칙 등에) 반항[저항/거역]하다 / 믿기, 설명하기, 묘사하기 등이 (거의) 불가능하다 

countenance : 얼굴 (표정)

solemnity : 침통함, 근엄함, 엄숙함 

appertain to : ~에 속하다, 관계되다 / ~에 적절하다



And here let us examine a little nearer the nature of that influence which is thus potent over the human youth. Beauty, whose revelation to man we now celebrate, welcome as the sun wherever it pleases to shine, which pleases everybody with it and with themselves, seems sufficient to itself. The lover cannot paint his maiden to his fancy poor and solitary. Like a tree in flower, so much soft, budding, informing love-liness is society for itself, and she teaches his eye why Beauty was pictured with Loves and Graces attending her steps. Her existence makes the world rich. Though she extrudes all other persons from his attention as cheap and unworthy, she indemnifies him by carrying out her own being into somewhat impersonal, large, mundane, so that the maiden stands to him for a representative of all select things and virtues. For that reason, the lover never sees personal resemblances in his mistress to her kindred or to others. His friends find in her a likeness to her mother, or her sisters, or to persons not of her blood. The lover sees no resemblance except to summer evenings and diamond mornings, to rainbows and the song of birds.


potent : (사람의 심신에 미치는 영향이) 강한[강력한] 

maiden : 처녀, 아가씨

solitary : (다른 사람 없이) 혼자 하는 / 혼자 있기를 좋아하는, 혼자서 잘 지내는 

budding : 싹트기 시작하는 / 신예의

extrude : (무엇을 압력을 가하여) 밀어내다, 밀려 나가다 

indemnify : 배상[보상]을 약속하다 

impersonal : 인간미 없는, 비인격적인

mundane : 재미없는, 일상적인

resemblance : 닮음, 비슷함, 유사함

kindred : 일가친척






※ 출처 : Essays, First Series (1841) 중 5장 LOVE by Ralph Waldo Emerson

※ 랄프 왈도 에머슨 (Ralph Waldo Emerson) : 미국 사상가 겸 시인. 자연과의 접촉에서 고독과 희열을 발견하고 자연의 효용으로서 실리(實利)·미(美)·언어(言語)·훈련(訓練)의 4종을 제시했다. 정신을 물질보다도 중시하고 직관에 의하여 진리를 알고, 자아의 소리와 진리를 깨달으며, 논리적인 모순을 관대히 보는 신비적 이상주의였다. 주요 저서에는《자연론》,《대표적 위인론》등이 있다.

'에세이' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 4/10  (0) 2020.02.06
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 2/10  (0) 2020.01.25
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1/10  (0) 2020.01.24

How important is a child’s learning environment to his or her success, and how important are his or her natural gifts? School choice offers a nuanced response to the proverbial nature vs. nurture question, recognizing the role of both in a child’s success and happiness.


proverbial : 속담에도 나오는 / 유명한, 소문이 나 있는 (=famous) 



On one hand, school choice recognizes that children are different by nature; they have varying personalities, strengths, and ways of learning. Children’s natural differences are one reason we need a variety of schools. While a one-size-fits-all education can’t meet the diverse needs of every single child, school choice can allow parents to look for the school best tailored to their child’s unique needs. School choice also recognizes that the learning environment itself can impact a child’s success and happiness.


tailored : 잘[딱] 맞도록 만든 / (특정한 개인·목적을 위한) 맞춤의 (=tailor-made) 



Maybe, as an adult, you’ve felt the difference between a workplace environment that challenges, supports, and stimulates you, and one that drains you and stunts your growth. Kids spend nearly as much time at school as adults spend at a job, and that environment has a profound impact. Some children are easily inspired by the sheer discovery involved in math, science, and reading.


drain : (정신·힘·기운 등이) 빠지다

stunt : 성장[발달]을 방해[저해]하다 

sheer : 순전한, 순수한



Others find the subjects lackluster on their own and aren’t inspired until their life is touched by the example of a fantastic teacher or the uniqueness of a hands-on learning experience. Every child is different. Moms and dads are experts on their children’s needs, interests, and uniqueness – and moms and dads are best qualified to determine the learning environments that will inspire their daughters and sons. Parents, it’s not too soon to think about where your child will thrive in the 2020-2021 school year.


lackluster : 광택[윤, 활기]의 결여 

thrive : 번창하다, 잘 자라다 (=flourish) 



If your school works well for your child, share that success with others this National School Choice Week (Jan 26-Feb 1). It might encourage a parent who is struggling to find the right fit for his or her child. If you’re interested in switching schools, start researching your options right away at The more we encourage diverse, innovative learning environments and support families in finding the best fit, the more our children will be inspired to succeed and be happy.






※ 정보 출처: NewsUSA
Posted on Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 in Education
Written by Andrew Campanella (He is president of National School Choice Week and the author of The School Choice Roadmap: 7 Steps to Finding the Right School for Your Child.)

'신문 기사' 카테고리의 다른 글

Choosing Schools – All Kids Learn Differently  (0) 2020.01.24

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
'Gainst the hot season; the mid-forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms:
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read:
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.


bower : (숲·정원의 시원한) 나무 그늘 

morrow : 그 다음 날, 내일 

wreathe : 둘러[에워]싸다 / (천천히) 둥글게[휘감듯] 움직이다

flowery : 꽃으로 덮인, 꽃무늬의 

despondence : 낙담, 의기소침 

inhuman : 인간미 없는, 잔혹한 

dearth : (…의) 부족[결핍] (=scarcity) 

o'er : over

pall : 관을 덮는 천

shady : (빛이 바로 닿지 않게) 그늘이 드리워진 

boon : 요긴한 것 

daffodil : 수선화

rill : 실개천

covert : (동물들이 몸을 숨길 수 있는) 은신처[덤불] 

'Gainst : against 

grandeur : 장엄함 (=splendour) 

brink : (벼랑·강가 등의) 끝 

Nor do we merely feel these essences
For one short hour; no, even as the trees
That whisper round a temple become soon
Dear as the temple's self, so does the moon,
The passion poesy, glories infinite,
Haunt us till they become a cheering light
Unto our souls, and bound to us so fast
That, whether there be shine or gloom o'ercast,
They always must be with us, or we die.


poesy : (집합적으로) 시(= poetry) 

haunt : 따라다니다

unto : …에게[로/까지] / …(때)까지 

o'ercast : overcast 구름이 뒤덮인, 흐린 


Therefore, 'tis with full happiness that I
Will trace the story of Endymion.
The very music of the name has gone
Into my being, and each pleasant scene
Is growing fresh before me as the green
Of our own valleys: so I will begin
Now while I cannot hear the city's din;
Now while the early budders are just new,
And run in mazes of the youngest hue
About old forests; while the willow trails
Its delicate amber; and the dairy pails
Bring home increase of milk. And, as the year
Grows lush in juicy stalks, I'll smoothly steer
My little boat, for many quiet hours,
With streams that deepen freshly into bowers.
Many and many a verse I hope to write,
Before the daisies, vermeil rimmed and white,
Hide in deep herbage; and ere yet the bees
Hum about globes of clover and sweet peas,
I must be near the middle of my story.
O may no wintry season, bare and hoary,
See it half finished: but let Autumn bold,
With universal tinge of sober gold,
Be all about me when I make an end!
And now at once, adventuresome, I send
My herald thought into a wilderness:
There let its trumpet blow, and quickly dress
My uncertain path with green, that I may speed
Easily onward, thorough flowers and weed.


'tis : it is

Endymion : 엔디미온 (달의 여신 Selene에게 사랑받은 미소년)

din : (오래 계속되는 크고 불쾌한) 소음 (=racket) 

willow : 버드나무

pail : 들통 , 버킷(bucket) 

stalk : (식물의) 줄기[대] 

steer : (보트자동차 등을) 조종하다[몰다] / (특정 방향으로) 움직이다[나아가다] 

vermeil : 빨간색, 주홍색(vermilion)

herbage : (특히 소 등을 먹이기 위한) 목초 

ere : …의 전에(before) 

hoary : (너무 오래되어) 재미없는, 시들한 / 하얗게 센, 백발인 

tinge : -기(氣), 기미, 기운 

herald : (앞으로 있을 일을[의]) 예고하다[도래를 알리다] / 전조






※ 존 키츠 (John Keats, 1795년 10월 31일, 영국 - 1821년 2월 23일) : 《나이팅 게일에게》,《가을에》 등 영국의 사화집에서 빼놓을 수 없는 명작들을 쓴 영국 시인. 중세 취미가 넘친 자유스러운 형식의 소서사시《성 아그네스의 전야》 등의 역작을 비롯하여 영국문학사상에 주옥 같은 일련의 송시(頌詩)가 잇달아 발표하기도 했다. 

'단편 & 시' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Broken Dreams> by William Butler Yeats  (0) 2020.02.06
<Written in Early Spring> by William Wordsworth  (0) 2020.01.24

The strong bent of nature is seen in the proportion which this topic of personal relations usurps in the conversation of society. What do we wish to know of any worthy person so much, as how he has sped in the history of this sentiment? What books in the circulating libraries circulate? How we glow over these novels of passion, when the story is told with any spark of truth and nature! And what fastens attention, in the intercourse of life, like any passage betraying affection between two parties? Perhaps we never saw them before, and never shall meet them again. But we see them exchange a glance, or betray a deep emotion, and we are no longer strangers. We understand them, and take the warmest interest in the development of the romance. All mankind love a lover. The earliest demonstrations of complacency and kindness are nature's most winning pictures. It is the dawn of civility and grace in the coarse and rustic. The rude village boy teases the girls about the school-house door;--but today he comes running into the entry, and meets one fair child disposing her satchel; he holds her books to help her, and instantly it seems to him as if she removed herself from him infinitely, and was a sacred precinct.


bent : 소질, 취향 

usurp : (왕좌·권좌 등을) 빼앗다, 찬탈하다

sped : speed의 과거, 과거분사

intercourse : (사람들·국가들 등 사이의) 교류, 교제, 소통 

complacency : 현 상태에 만족함, 안주 

coarse : 거친 (↔smooth, soft) 

rustic : 투박한

disposing : 처리, 처분

satchel : (아이들이 어깨에 메는) 책가방 

precinct : 구역



Among the throng of girls he runs rudely enough, but one alone distances him; and these two little neighbours, that were so close just now, have learned to respect each other's personality. Or who can avert his eyes from the engaging, half-artful, half-artless ways of school-girls who go into the country shops to buy a skein of silk or a sheet of paper, and talk half an hour about nothing with the broad-faced, good-natured shop-boy. In the village they are on a perfect equality, which love delights in, and without any coquetry the happy, affectionate nature of woman flows out in this pretty gossip. The girls may have little beauty, yet plainly do they establish between them and the good boy the most agreeable, confiding relations, what with their fun and their earnest, about Edgar, and Jonas, and Almira, and who was invited to the party, and who danced at the dancing-school, and when the singing-school would begin, and other nothings concerning which the parties cooed. By and by that boy wants a wife, and very truly and heartily will he know where to find a sincere and sweet mate, without any risk such as Milton deplores as incident to scholars and great men.


throng : 인파, 군중

skein : (실·털실의) 타래 

coquetry : 교태

affectionate : 다정한, 애정 어린 (= loving)

confiding : 신뢰를 나타내는, 은밀한 

coo : 속삭이다, 도란거리다

deplore : (특히 공개적으로) 개탄하다



I have been told, that in some public discourses of mine my reverence for the intellect has made me unjustly cold to the personal relations. But now I almost shrink at the remembrance of such disparaging words. For persons are love's world, and the coldest philosopher cannot recount the debt of the young soul wandering here in nature to the power of love, without being tempted to unsay, as treasonable to nature, aught derogatory to the social instincts. For, though the celestial rapture falling out of heaven seizes only upon those of tender age, and although a beauty overpowering all analysis or comparison, and putting us quite beside ourselves, we can seldom see after thirty years, yet the remembrance of these visions outlasts all other remembrances, and is a wreath of flowers on the oldest brows. But here is a strange fact; it may seem to many men, in revising their experience, that they have no fairer page in their life's book than the delicious memory of some passages wherein affection contrived to give a witchcraft surpassing the deep attraction of its own truth to a parcel of accidental and trivial circumstances.


reverence : 숭배

disparaging : 얕보는, 험담하는, 비난하는 

recount : 이야기하다, 말하다

treasonable : 반역의, 대역의, 배신의

derogatory : 경멸하는, 비판적인 (= insulting) 

rapture : 환희, 황홀

outlast : ~보다 더 오래 가다, 계속하다

brow : (언덕) 꼭대기, 등성이 

revise : 변경하다, 수정하다

contrive : 용케(어떻게든) ~하다 



In looking backward, they may find that several things which were not the charm have more reality to this groping memory than the charm itself which embalmed them. But be our experience in particulars what it may, no man ever forgot the visitations of that power to his heart and brain, which created all things new; which was the dawn in him of music, poetry, and art; which made the face of nature radiant with purple light, the morning and the night varied enchantments; when a single tone of one voice could make the heart bound, and the most trivial circumstance associated with one form is put in the amber of memory; when he became all eye when one was present, and all memory when one was gone; when the youth becomes a watcher of windows, and studious of a glove, a veil, a ribbon, or the wheels of a carriage; when no place is too solitary, and none too silent, for him who has richer company and sweeter conversation in his new thoughts, than any old friends, though best and purest, can give him; for the figures, the motions, the words of the beloved object are not like other images written in water, but, as Plutarch said, "enamelled in fire," and make the study of midnight.


groping : 손으로 더듬는, 암중모색하는 

embalm : 방부 처리를 하다

enchantment : 황홀감

amber : (보석류) 호박

studious : 공부를 열심히 하는, 학구적인 (= scholarly) 

solitary : 혼자 하는

enamelled : 에나멜을 씌운






※ 출처 : Essays, First Series (1841) 중 5장 LOVE by Ralph Waldo Emerson

※ 랄프 왈도 에머슨 (Ralph Waldo Emerson) : 미국 사상가 겸 시인. 자연과의 접촉에서 고독과 희열을 발견하고 자연의 효용으로서 실리(實利)·미(美)·언어(言語)·훈련(訓練)의 4종을 제시했다. 정신을 물질보다도 중시하고 직관에 의하여 진리를 알고, 자아의 소리와 진리를 깨달으며, 논리적인 모순을 관대히 보는 신비적 이상주의였다. 주요 저서에는《자연론》,《대표적 위인론》등이 있다.

'에세이' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 4/10  (0) 2020.02.06
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3/10  (0) 2020.01.30
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1/10  (0) 2020.01.24

I heard a thousand blended notes
While in a grove I sat reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.


grove : (작은) 숲, 수풀 / (특정 종류의 유실수가 심어져 있는) 밭, (작은 규모의) 과수원 

recline : 비스듬히 기대다(눕다)

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What Man has made of Man.


grieve : 비통해하다 / 대단히 슬프게 만들다 (= pain)


Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And 'tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.


primrose : 프림로즈(앵초과의 야생화. 연한 노란색의 꽃이 핌) / 연노랑

tuft : 다발(머리카락·잔디 등이 함께 모여 촘촘하게 난 것) 

bower : (숲·정원의 시원한) 나무 그늘 

periwinkle : 빙카, 페리윙클(협죽도과의 식물) 

trail : (보통 땅에 대고 뒤로) 끌다, 끌리다 

wreath : 화환, 화관

The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure -
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

The budding twigs spread out their fan
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.


twig : (나무의) 잔가지

If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature's holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What Man has made of Man?


lament : 애통[한탄/통탄]하다 (=bemoan, bewail) 






※ 윌리엄 워즈워스 (William Wordsworth, 1770년 4월 7일, 영국 - 1850년 4월 23일) 

: 업적영국 낭만파 시인. 영국 최초의 낭만주의 문학 선언이라고 볼 수 있는《서정가요집》개정판 서문에서 '시골 가난한 사람들의 스스로의 감정의 발로만이 진실된 것이며, 그들이 사용하는 소박하고 친근한 언어야말로 시에 알맞은 언어’라고 하여 18세기식 기교적 시어를 배척했다. 그는 영문학에만 그치지 않고 유럽 문화의 역사상 커다란 뜻을 지녔다.

'단편 & 시' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Broken Dreams> by William Butler Yeats  (0) 2020.02.06
<A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever> by John Keats  (0) 2020.01.29




Every promise of the soul has innumerable fulfilments; each of its joys ripens into a new want. Nature, uncontainable, flowing, forelooking, in the first sentiment of kindness anticipates already a benevolence which shall lose all particular regards in its general light. The introduction to this felicity is in a private and tender relation of one to one, which is the enchantment of human life; which, like a certain divine rage and enthusiasm, seizes on man at one period, and works a revolution in his mind and body; unites him to his race, pledges him to the domestic and civic relations, carries him with new sympathy into nature, enhances the power of the senses, opens the imagination, adds to his character heroic and sacred attributes, establishes marriage, and gives permanence to human society.


innumerable : 셀 수 없는, 무수한 (= countless)

fulfilment : 실천, 실행, 완성, 달성, 성취

forelooking : 미리 보기 (= preview)

benevolence : 자비심, 박애 / 자선, 선행

felicity : 더할 나위없는 행복 / 절묘하게 어울림

enchantment : 황홀감 / 마법에 걸린 상태

pledge : 약속하다, 맹세하다, 서약하다



The natural association of the sentiment of love with the heyday of the blood seems to require, that in order to portray it in vivid tints, which every youth and maid should confess to be true to their throbbing experience, one must not be too old. The delicious fancies of youth reject the least savour of a mature philosophy, as chilling with age and pedantry their purple bloom. And, therefore, I know I incur the imputation of unnecessary hardness and stoicism from those who compose the Court and Parliament of Love. But from these formidable censors I shall appeal to my seniors. For it is to be considered that this passion of which we speak, though it begin with the young, yet forsakes not the old, or rather suffers no one who is truly its servant to grow old, but makes the aged participators of it, not less than the tender maiden, though in a different and nobler sort. For it is a fire that, kindling its first embers in the narrow nook of a private bosom, caught from a wandering spark out of another private heart, glows and enlarges until it warms and beams upon multitudes of men and women, upon the universal heart of all, and so lights up the whole world and all nature with its generous flames. It matters not, therefore, whether we attempt to describe the passion at twenty, at thirty, or at eighty years. He who paints it at the first period will lose some of its later, he who paints it at the last, some of its earlier traits. Only it is to be hoped that, by patience and the Muses' aid, we may attain to that inward view of the law, which shall describe a truth ever young and beautiful, so central that it shall commend itself to the eye, at whatever angle beholden.


heyday : 전성기, 한장 때 (= prime)

throbbing : 두근거리는, 고동치는, 약동하는

pedantry : 지나치게 규칙을 찾음

incur : (좋지 못한 것을) 초래하다, 발생시키다

imputation : (죄 등을) 돌림, 전가 (= accusation) / 비난, 비방, 오명

stoicism : 극기(심), 금욕 / 스토아 철학

kindling : 불쏘시개

ember : (장작·숯이 타다 남은) 잉걸불

nook : (아늑하고 조용한) 곳, 구석

bosom : 가슴

inward : 마음 속의 / 안쪽(내부)으로 향한



And the first condition is, that we must leave a too close and lingering adherence to facts, and study the sentiment as it appeared in hope and not in history. For each man sees his own life defaced and disfigured, as the life of man is not, to his imagination. Each man sees over his own experience a certain stain of error, whilst that of other men looks fair and ideal. Let any man go back to those delicious relations which make the beauty of his life, which have given him sincerest instruction and nourishment, he will shrink and moan. Alas! I know not why, but infinite compunctions embitter in mature life the remembrances of budding joy, and cover every beloved name. Every thing is beautiful seen from the point of the intellect, or as truth. But all is sour, if seen as experience. Details are melancholy; the plan is seemly and noble. In the actual world — the painful kingdom of time and place — dwell care, and canker, and fear. With thought, with the ideal, is immortal hilarity, the rose of joy. Round it all the Muses sing. But grief cleaves to names, and persons, and the partial interests of today and yesterday.


lingering : (쉬 끝나거나 사라지지 않고) 오래 가는

adherence : 고수(충실하게 지키는 것)

deface : (특히 무엇의 표면에 글을 쓰거나 그림을 그리거나 하여) 외관을 훼손하다

compunction : 죄책감, 거리낌

embitter : (오랜 시간 동안) 원통하게(쓰라리게) 만들다 

canker : (사회의) 병폐 / (동물의) 궤양

hilarity : 아주 우스움, 재미있음

cleave to : 부착(점착)하다 / 고수하다, ~에 집착하다




※ 출처 : Essays, First Series (1841) 중 5장 LOVE by Ralph Waldo Emerson

※ 랄프 왈도 에머슨 (Ralph Waldo Emerson) : 미국 사상가 겸 시인. 자연과의 접촉에서 고독과 희열을 발견하고 자연의 효용으로서 실리(實利)·미(美)·언어(言語)·훈련(訓練)의 4종을 제시했다. 정신을 물질보다도 중시하고 직관에 의하여 진리를 알고, 자아의 소리와 진리를 깨달으며, 논리적인 모순을 관대히 보는 신비적 이상주의였다. 주요 저서에는《자연론》,《대표적 위인론》등이 있다.



'에세이' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 4/10  (0) 2020.02.06
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3/10  (0) 2020.01.30
<Love> by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 2/10  (0) 2020.01.25

본 블로그는 영문 필사를 위한 자료를 제공하기 위하여 만들어졌습니다.
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필사(및 독해)를 위한 자료이니만큼 내용의 편집 없이 전문을 이용하고, 자료 이용자의 편의를 위해 단어 등을 단락별로 적어둘 예정입니다.

기사는 한 게시글 당 하나의 기사 전문을 올릴 계획입니다.

다만, 도서의 경우 분량이 많으므로 여러 게시글로 적당히 분할하는 것이 필사와 독해를 위해 더 좋을 것 같습니다.

(번역은 따로 제공하지 않습니다.)


그럼 블로그에서 원하는 글을 찾으셔서 필사/독해하시길 응원합니다! :-D



'안내 & Tips > 자료실 안내' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어 필사의 장점  (0) 2020.01.25
필사의 이점 및 효과  (0) 2020.01.24
필사란 무엇인가  (0) 2020.01.24
영어 영문 필사 자료실 소개  (0) 2020.01.23

안녕하세요? :-)

영문 필사를 하시기 원하는 분들을 위해 자료를 공유하는 블로그를 개설하였습니다.


자료가 넘쳐나는 시대라, 필사할 때 뭐든 골라서 시작하시면 되지만 선택하는 것도 품이 들고 시간이 걸리잖아요? ㅋㅋ

그러한 수고를 덜어드리고자 자료실을 열었습니다.


연필만 종이만 가지고 오늘부터 영문 필사 시작하셔요~!

(물론 독해 자료로도 활용 가능해요!)

'안내 & Tips > 자료실 안내' 카테고리의 다른 글

영어 필사의 장점  (0) 2020.01.25
필사의 이점 및 효과  (0) 2020.01.24
필사란 무엇인가  (0) 2020.01.24
자료 출처 및 사용 방법  (0) 2020.01.23

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